Set up of wireless network has an advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of key convenience to customers, businesses and enterprises on this type of deployment that usually IT Solutions and contractors/providers like us do. These are list of pros and cons of a Wireless Network implementation.
- Increase Productivity and Efficiency
Improvement on the communication and transmission of data/information within the network. There is still an established peer to peer network between private or public network. There is no need for physical connectivity between two networks and segment. Building A is still connect with the network with building B. So, the need to access data and information to other network is more effortless and readily accessible. There is still a given connection and which access is still online. Access within the server's database, connection with different programs/applications, CCTV camera remote/live viewing and file transfer protocol(FTP). We usually deploy this whenever we encounter clients having a huge area of operation like fishing, compounds, warehouses, and farms.
- Cost Reduction and Expense Cutout
This can be much easier and much reasonable price on installation and deployment, due to more cheaper that wired implementation. Most of the projects we encountered has a large area wherein buildings and departments are segregated to assign a specific building for each division and department. Offices such as human resource, accounting/finance, sales & marketing, purchasing, inventory/stock man and production/operations. Business owners always look on the project quotation and cost, but most of the time we narrowly explain and justify the pros and the cons of this type of deployment. Wherein this will be also a big factor on cost reduction and minimizing expense for projects and proposal like this.
- Lack of Security
Wireless networks or wireless transmission are more open and expose to hackers and unauthorized users. Wherein they can access even they are not physically on site or of different locations. Security safeguard from the Manage Information System(MIS) or Information & Technology Department(IT Dept.) must be implemented specially having complex networks connected to servers and databases. This is very much vulnerable in which added security features must be implemented within the network. We ensure our clients to deploy the best security protocols to protect their public and private network. Setting up firewalls, data encryption and complex credentials to necessary and critical programs and applications.
- Installation/Deployment Interference and Problem
One of the problem occurring in this implementation is interference between wireless equipment and gadgets. Interference with the frequency of both transmitters and receivers. Specially if deployment includes a lot of wireless equipment to be installed. There are two types of frequency available and widely use by contractors, those two are 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies. The usual, best and cleanest frequency right now to use is the 5Ghz frequency. Most of the wireless equipment's and radios for transmission of data and internet are 5Ghz wireless equipment's. This will arrive to poor communication and connectivity between transmitters and receivers. Sometimes, would lead to disconnection of established network loss of wireless communication. Others, would be loss of data packets transmission and delay transportation of files and information. We usually operate via GHz wireless devices and frequency, as this gives more power and much effective from the typical 2.4Ghz. Also, there are wide range of frequency available to use from 5Ghz rather than 2.4Ghz. Frequencies ranging from 5190 up to 5825.
- Coverage and Power
This has a wide range of coverage, as distance vary to what type of equipment will be use. Depending on the power output and maximum distance a wireless radio transmit. It usually starts with distance of 3km up to 50km for back haul equipment's. There are two types of links for wireless radios, these are point to point and point to multi point. Point to point is where a single dedicated link only between two devices. One transmitter link is dedicated to one receiver link. While, point to multi point links are used for sub-connecting links between devices with only one receiver. There is still a peer to peer links between one transmitter and with receivers. Frequency scanning and detecting is much easier and better compared to previous and old types of wireless radios. Like for point to point links, even though directions between two wireless radios are out of range, receiver still can view and scan the transmitter broadcast-ed SSID. As per our experience even though transmitter is not directly pointed on to the receiver, we can still detect and scan the transmitter's signal. Before deploying the wireless equipment, it do need to have a feasibility checking first for a clear line of sight(LOS) between the transmitter and receiver. As it will not received nor scan the signal broadcast-ed by the transmitter. Power vary on what kind and what type of radios will be installed, wherein radios has an output power depending on much dBm it can give and provide. The more dBm a radio have, the more it can produce long range of signal.
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- Location and Accessibility
Most of the radios are installed both via ground or via on top from a fixed structure like buildings. Wireless radios must be properly installed and it must not be shaking or receiving vibrations either by forced movement or via earthquakes. This will be a big factor on the transmission due to its transmitter or receiver antenna movements. Large movements within its tapped pole or fixed structure will really be a great factor and disconnection and connectivity issues. With in terms of its accessibility, it can be managed by both direct wire or via Wi-Fi or wireless connection. As long as pre-set configuration from its default login must be setup and IP address of the wireless radios is correlate with the existing set up IP on the network it is connected. It can be managed and browsed via a computer, laptop or a smart device like smart phones and connect and ready to config via web browsers such as google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft default internet browser the Internet Explorer(IE). For us, we already pre-set the wireless radios and antennas to the range of IP available and given on the client/customers existing network. So that we do not need to directly managed, setup and config the wireless radios and antennas directly from our computers and laptops. We just need to connect on the existing switch of the network(you must seek a permission first with the IT Head or Network Administrator first to be able to connect on their existing network). Some of the network we encounter has a lot of security encryption before we can actually connect to the network and secure or provide us an available IP Address on the network from their main routers. Other networks we had encountered, is we must have know the network details such as static IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway of the router and the DNS of the network if we will connect via their existing internet. This kind of network deployed is widely secured to minimize intruders and unauthorized connectivity.
- Minimize/Lessen Wires and Cables
Minimal wires and cables are used from this kind of implementation. Where as wires like UTP cables are just used from direct to direct connectivity of wireless radios, antennas and gadgets. Unlike setup of wiring's from place to place or building to building. Which can really be a messed in the deployment and a very widely cost from the business owners and clients. Especially the new type of wire technology like fiber optics that is widely used by telecommunications and other companies and services. Wherein in provides a peer to peer connectivity within the wired connection and has a bigger capacity of data transmission from the traditional copper wires and cables. In which is provides up to 1 Gigabyte of data transmission compared to the 100 Mbps data transmission from the traditional wires, but the cost of this type of wire and technology varies between the implementation of Wireless networks. Due to it does not need to buried or enclose the wires underground to safe keep the transmission and physical attribute of the wires. To minimize cuts and breaks due to fiber optics are very sensitive if it is not correctly installed or implemented. It can be easily breaks if it not properly deployed and must be carefully installed. It must not be installed on a 90 degrees deployment because it will necessary breaks the fiber optics and which it must be properly guided by different materials such as round pipes to minimally break the fiber optic cables.
- Connection Speeds and Data Transmission
Connection speed of wireless networks is usually slower than the wired network. Wireless radios transmission and speed generally associated by the signal strength and bandwidth rates. Signal strength varies on how the wireless radios and antennas are aligned to connect them. Transmitter and receiver must be with the same angle and direction to provide the best signal strength, TX/Rx or download and upload rates. We do necessary align the wireless radios and antennas to the best available frequency given to the area and the best signal strength. We usually do this to minimize complains and feedback from the installation we made. We must have a 90 percent and more mandatory signal strength for the antennas before we fix the installation. First, we scan the best, cleanest and available frequency of the transmitter radios within the area. After scanning and checking we set the frequency on the transmitter radios and set the channel to 20MHz. If we have properly aligned the transmitter and the receiver that's the time we change the channel to the highest like 40MHz and 80Mhz. The higher the channel set to the wireless radios the higher the bandwidth performance it can be transmitting.
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- Software and Firmware
Most of the wireless radios and antenna manufactures provide software and firmware. Usually those software and firmware are built-in to the antennas. You need to see the wireless radios and antennas manual first, if you really do not know on how to setup and config the wireless radios. Accessing the configuration and setup of the wireless radios are usually made by software or via web browser. Manufactures provide a compact disc(CD) for the installer of the software if you want to access the main features and configuration functionalities. Other manufactures do not give installers due to installers are posted and given on their official websites. Installers just need to be downloaded via the internet and install the software after downloaded. The typical accessing of the wireless radios functionality are made and done via web browsers. You just need to have a web browser installed on to your computer and access the devices via their default IP addresses. And after accessing the default IP addresses, you just need to login the also the default username and password of the device. Usually, the default username and password of most wireless radios are admin and admin. Firmware are usually need to be uploaded directly to manually update the default and given firmware of the device. Updated firmware are conventionally downloaded directly on the manufactures website and after downloading the firmware it will just need to be uploaded locally and directly to the device and wait up until the update is finish. From time to time wireless radios firmware must be updated, due to the outdated functional features and new updates of the device. Sometimes manufactures gives new functions and features of the given wireless radios and antennas even though your devices are old and previously purchased. That is why you do not need to purchase the new device with the same model and given features from your old device. It nearly just need to be updated to the new software and firmware provided by the manufacturer. We usually do and merely updates wireless radios and antennas we deploy on our clients/customers. Whenever we do receive software and firmware updates from the manufactures, we forcefully update the device to do still give the performance and features from the time we have installed it. We go and travel to our client/customers premises and connect to their existing network to require a software and firmware update. We do and usually require this to minimally complains and feedback from our clients about the wireless radios and antennas we have installed.
- Expandability and Reliability
Wireless networks can be easily expanded, it usually do need to just add wireless network devices and associate it to the existing and implemented wireless network. Unlike the wired network wherein you have to additional add and install another set of wires to connect it to the existing network. Necessarily install and provide new wires and hook it up again to the wired network. With the wireless network is you just need to provide and install receiver and connect it to the given wireless network. It is like you connect to the broadcast-ed SSID scanned from the wireless radios and antennas. In which you will just to connect your laptop to the existing Wi-Fi network. If ever client has another set of computers, another fix structure and another building. Will just connect to the wireless network and provide necessary configurations like IP address, Subnets and Gateways. Wireless network is much less reliable from wired networks, due to a lot of interference and connectivity issues. Sometimes, the previously set frequencies which was the best and clean have issues. Like the frequency set up before does not give the performance is do provide previously. In which it needs to scan another set of available and clean frequency to be able to bring back the functionalities and best performance. On the years we usually install wireless networks, we sometimes encounter this issues, problems and obstacles. For example, we have set frequencies between point to point network we previously installed will have an issue and problem from the frequency connected and given. We need to change the frequency given and set another frequencies to the wireless radios and antennas. It usually consumes a lot of time to troubleshoot and re-config those wireless radios and antennas, wherein we have installed a lot of transmitters and some of them are connected via point to point or via point to multi-point networks. Sometimes those frequencies interfere within and just between them.
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- CCTV on Wireless Networks
CCTV cameras installed and connected on wireless network are much easier to deploy. Type of cameras also varies before implementing and deploying it on a wireless network. Typical analog cameras cannot be use and adopted to the wireless network. Only digital cameras or what they called IP cameras are use on this deployment. Analog cameras does not have individual IP address compared to IP Cameras. They have a set of cameras to be able to connect and provide available IP address on the given network. The typical CCTV cameras before are installed on a direct wire to wire, in which wires from the cameras DVR(Digital Video Recorder) connected directly to the cameras. In a wireless network, cameras does not need to be connected directly from the DVR. It just needs to be connected to the existing network and properly setup and configured the devices. To provide a peer to peer connectivity between devices. Also, it do need to setup the available IP address and static address. In which the static IP given to the CCTV will become its location or label on the network. Wherein it can be accessed directly from the network switch and routers. It also minimizes the use of long loop of wires and cables to connect the cameras to the network. It is usually connected on the network switch or directly from the receiver wireless radios and antennas. CCTV cameras will be easily deployed long distance and blind spot areas to contemplate the uses of CCTV Cameras and catch more areas and long distances. We frequently installed wireless CCTV cameras on our clients such as farms, warehouses, compounds, resorts, conventions and many more. This also minimize quantity installation of DVR's and NVR's or CCTV recorders. In which only 1 centralize NVR is installed on the client/customer premise in which CCTV Cameras are connected, remote and live viewed on the CCTV monitors. It also decrease the usual upgrading of the CCTV recorders as it can be connected interchangeably. Also, manufacturers of CCTV cameras are actively provide, contribute online supports on occurred issues with the devices. CCTV cameras and NVR recorders can be also manually updated. Which can install firmwares provided on the official pages and in the internet. Digital cameras and IP cameras are having great specs and technicalities. The usual 2MP or 1080P cameras that are analog, are having more specs on digital and IP cameras. IP Cameras which usually starts on 2MP, also has 4MP, 5MP, 6MP and 8MP. Cost may vary on the typical analog CCTV's from the digital or IP Cameras, which IP cameras are much expensive that the analog CCTV's.
These are the things encountered by installing and deploying wireless networks. These are also the stuffs and happenings we encounter as a contractor, installer and implementer of this kind of technologies and services we have. Whenever you have inquiries, concerns, questions and consultation on our products and services, you can contact us on our official pages, websites and social network sites, also you can send directly email us.
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Improvement on the communication and transmission of data/information within the network. There is still an established peer to peer network between private or public network. There is no need for physical connectivity between two networks and segment. Building A is still connect with the network with building B. So, the need to access data and information to other network is more effortless and readily accessible. There is still a given connection and which access is still online. Access within the server's database, connection with different programs/applications, CCTV camera remote/live viewing and file transfer protocol(FTP). We usually deploy this whenever we encounter clients having a huge area of operation like fishing, compounds, warehouses, and farms.
- Cost Reduction and Expense Cutout
This can be much easier and much reasonable price on installation and deployment, due to more cheaper that wired implementation. Most of the projects we encountered has a large area wherein buildings and departments are segregated to assign a specific building for each division and department. Offices such as human resource, accounting/finance, sales & marketing, purchasing, inventory/stock man and production/operations. Business owners always look on the project quotation and cost, but most of the time we narrowly explain and justify the pros and the cons of this type of deployment. Wherein this will be also a big factor on cost reduction and minimizing expense for projects and proposal like this.
- Lack of Security
Wireless networks or wireless transmission are more open and expose to hackers and unauthorized users. Wherein they can access even they are not physically on site or of different locations. Security safeguard from the Manage Information System(MIS) or Information & Technology Department(IT Dept.) must be implemented specially having complex networks connected to servers and databases. This is very much vulnerable in which added security features must be implemented within the network. We ensure our clients to deploy the best security protocols to protect their public and private network. Setting up firewalls, data encryption and complex credentials to necessary and critical programs and applications.
- Installation/Deployment Interference and Problem
One of the problem occurring in this implementation is interference between wireless equipment and gadgets. Interference with the frequency of both transmitters and receivers. Specially if deployment includes a lot of wireless equipment to be installed. There are two types of frequency available and widely use by contractors, those two are 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies. The usual, best and cleanest frequency right now to use is the 5Ghz frequency. Most of the wireless equipment's and radios for transmission of data and internet are 5Ghz wireless equipment's. This will arrive to poor communication and connectivity between transmitters and receivers. Sometimes, would lead to disconnection of established network loss of wireless communication. Others, would be loss of data packets transmission and delay transportation of files and information. We usually operate via GHz wireless devices and frequency, as this gives more power and much effective from the typical 2.4Ghz. Also, there are wide range of frequency available to use from 5Ghz rather than 2.4Ghz. Frequencies ranging from 5190 up to 5825.
- Coverage and Power
This has a wide range of coverage, as distance vary to what type of equipment will be use. Depending on the power output and maximum distance a wireless radio transmit. It usually starts with distance of 3km up to 50km for back haul equipment's. There are two types of links for wireless radios, these are point to point and point to multi point. Point to point is where a single dedicated link only between two devices. One transmitter link is dedicated to one receiver link. While, point to multi point links are used for sub-connecting links between devices with only one receiver. There is still a peer to peer links between one transmitter and with receivers. Frequency scanning and detecting is much easier and better compared to previous and old types of wireless radios. Like for point to point links, even though directions between two wireless radios are out of range, receiver still can view and scan the transmitter broadcast-ed SSID. As per our experience even though transmitter is not directly pointed on to the receiver, we can still detect and scan the transmitter's signal. Before deploying the wireless equipment, it do need to have a feasibility checking first for a clear line of sight(LOS) between the transmitter and receiver. As it will not received nor scan the signal broadcast-ed by the transmitter. Power vary on what kind and what type of radios will be installed, wherein radios has an output power depending on much dBm it can give and provide. The more dBm a radio have, the more it can produce long range of signal.
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- Location and Accessibility
Most of the radios are installed both via ground or via on top from a fixed structure like buildings. Wireless radios must be properly installed and it must not be shaking or receiving vibrations either by forced movement or via earthquakes. This will be a big factor on the transmission due to its transmitter or receiver antenna movements. Large movements within its tapped pole or fixed structure will really be a great factor and disconnection and connectivity issues. With in terms of its accessibility, it can be managed by both direct wire or via Wi-Fi or wireless connection. As long as pre-set configuration from its default login must be setup and IP address of the wireless radios is correlate with the existing set up IP on the network it is connected. It can be managed and browsed via a computer, laptop or a smart device like smart phones and connect and ready to config via web browsers such as google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft default internet browser the Internet Explorer(IE). For us, we already pre-set the wireless radios and antennas to the range of IP available and given on the client/customers existing network. So that we do not need to directly managed, setup and config the wireless radios and antennas directly from our computers and laptops. We just need to connect on the existing switch of the network(you must seek a permission first with the IT Head or Network Administrator first to be able to connect on their existing network). Some of the network we encounter has a lot of security encryption before we can actually connect to the network and secure or provide us an available IP Address on the network from their main routers. Other networks we had encountered, is we must have know the network details such as static IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway of the router and the DNS of the network if we will connect via their existing internet. This kind of network deployed is widely secured to minimize intruders and unauthorized connectivity.
- Minimize/Lessen Wires and Cables
Minimal wires and cables are used from this kind of implementation. Where as wires like UTP cables are just used from direct to direct connectivity of wireless radios, antennas and gadgets. Unlike setup of wiring's from place to place or building to building. Which can really be a messed in the deployment and a very widely cost from the business owners and clients. Especially the new type of wire technology like fiber optics that is widely used by telecommunications and other companies and services. Wherein in provides a peer to peer connectivity within the wired connection and has a bigger capacity of data transmission from the traditional copper wires and cables. In which is provides up to 1 Gigabyte of data transmission compared to the 100 Mbps data transmission from the traditional wires, but the cost of this type of wire and technology varies between the implementation of Wireless networks. Due to it does not need to buried or enclose the wires underground to safe keep the transmission and physical attribute of the wires. To minimize cuts and breaks due to fiber optics are very sensitive if it is not correctly installed or implemented. It can be easily breaks if it not properly deployed and must be carefully installed. It must not be installed on a 90 degrees deployment because it will necessary breaks the fiber optics and which it must be properly guided by different materials such as round pipes to minimally break the fiber optic cables.
- Connection Speeds and Data Transmission
Connection speed of wireless networks is usually slower than the wired network. Wireless radios transmission and speed generally associated by the signal strength and bandwidth rates. Signal strength varies on how the wireless radios and antennas are aligned to connect them. Transmitter and receiver must be with the same angle and direction to provide the best signal strength, TX/Rx or download and upload rates. We do necessary align the wireless radios and antennas to the best available frequency given to the area and the best signal strength. We usually do this to minimize complains and feedback from the installation we made. We must have a 90 percent and more mandatory signal strength for the antennas before we fix the installation. First, we scan the best, cleanest and available frequency of the transmitter radios within the area. After scanning and checking we set the frequency on the transmitter radios and set the channel to 20MHz. If we have properly aligned the transmitter and the receiver that's the time we change the channel to the highest like 40MHz and 80Mhz. The higher the channel set to the wireless radios the higher the bandwidth performance it can be transmitting.
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- Software and Firmware
Most of the wireless radios and antenna manufactures provide software and firmware. Usually those software and firmware are built-in to the antennas. You need to see the wireless radios and antennas manual first, if you really do not know on how to setup and config the wireless radios. Accessing the configuration and setup of the wireless radios are usually made by software or via web browser. Manufactures provide a compact disc(CD) for the installer of the software if you want to access the main features and configuration functionalities. Other manufactures do not give installers due to installers are posted and given on their official websites. Installers just need to be downloaded via the internet and install the software after downloaded. The typical accessing of the wireless radios functionality are made and done via web browsers. You just need to have a web browser installed on to your computer and access the devices via their default IP addresses. And after accessing the default IP addresses, you just need to login the also the default username and password of the device. Usually, the default username and password of most wireless radios are admin and admin. Firmware are usually need to be uploaded directly to manually update the default and given firmware of the device. Updated firmware are conventionally downloaded directly on the manufactures website and after downloading the firmware it will just need to be uploaded locally and directly to the device and wait up until the update is finish. From time to time wireless radios firmware must be updated, due to the outdated functional features and new updates of the device. Sometimes manufactures gives new functions and features of the given wireless radios and antennas even though your devices are old and previously purchased. That is why you do not need to purchase the new device with the same model and given features from your old device. It nearly just need to be updated to the new software and firmware provided by the manufacturer. We usually do and merely updates wireless radios and antennas we deploy on our clients/customers. Whenever we do receive software and firmware updates from the manufactures, we forcefully update the device to do still give the performance and features from the time we have installed it. We go and travel to our client/customers premises and connect to their existing network to require a software and firmware update. We do and usually require this to minimally complains and feedback from our clients about the wireless radios and antennas we have installed.
- Expandability and Reliability
Wireless networks can be easily expanded, it usually do need to just add wireless network devices and associate it to the existing and implemented wireless network. Unlike the wired network wherein you have to additional add and install another set of wires to connect it to the existing network. Necessarily install and provide new wires and hook it up again to the wired network. With the wireless network is you just need to provide and install receiver and connect it to the given wireless network. It is like you connect to the broadcast-ed SSID scanned from the wireless radios and antennas. In which you will just to connect your laptop to the existing Wi-Fi network. If ever client has another set of computers, another fix structure and another building. Will just connect to the wireless network and provide necessary configurations like IP address, Subnets and Gateways. Wireless network is much less reliable from wired networks, due to a lot of interference and connectivity issues. Sometimes, the previously set frequencies which was the best and clean have issues. Like the frequency set up before does not give the performance is do provide previously. In which it needs to scan another set of available and clean frequency to be able to bring back the functionalities and best performance. On the years we usually install wireless networks, we sometimes encounter this issues, problems and obstacles. For example, we have set frequencies between point to point network we previously installed will have an issue and problem from the frequency connected and given. We need to change the frequency given and set another frequencies to the wireless radios and antennas. It usually consumes a lot of time to troubleshoot and re-config those wireless radios and antennas, wherein we have installed a lot of transmitters and some of them are connected via point to point or via point to multi-point networks. Sometimes those frequencies interfere within and just between them.
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- CCTV on Wireless Networks
CCTV cameras installed and connected on wireless network are much easier to deploy. Type of cameras also varies before implementing and deploying it on a wireless network. Typical analog cameras cannot be use and adopted to the wireless network. Only digital cameras or what they called IP cameras are use on this deployment. Analog cameras does not have individual IP address compared to IP Cameras. They have a set of cameras to be able to connect and provide available IP address on the given network. The typical CCTV cameras before are installed on a direct wire to wire, in which wires from the cameras DVR(Digital Video Recorder) connected directly to the cameras. In a wireless network, cameras does not need to be connected directly from the DVR. It just needs to be connected to the existing network and properly setup and configured the devices. To provide a peer to peer connectivity between devices. Also, it do need to setup the available IP address and static address. In which the static IP given to the CCTV will become its location or label on the network. Wherein it can be accessed directly from the network switch and routers. It also minimizes the use of long loop of wires and cables to connect the cameras to the network. It is usually connected on the network switch or directly from the receiver wireless radios and antennas. CCTV cameras will be easily deployed long distance and blind spot areas to contemplate the uses of CCTV Cameras and catch more areas and long distances. We frequently installed wireless CCTV cameras on our clients such as farms, warehouses, compounds, resorts, conventions and many more. This also minimize quantity installation of DVR's and NVR's or CCTV recorders. In which only 1 centralize NVR is installed on the client/customer premise in which CCTV Cameras are connected, remote and live viewed on the CCTV monitors. It also decrease the usual upgrading of the CCTV recorders as it can be connected interchangeably. Also, manufacturers of CCTV cameras are actively provide, contribute online supports on occurred issues with the devices. CCTV cameras and NVR recorders can be also manually updated. Which can install firmwares provided on the official pages and in the internet. Digital cameras and IP cameras are having great specs and technicalities. The usual 2MP or 1080P cameras that are analog, are having more specs on digital and IP cameras. IP Cameras which usually starts on 2MP, also has 4MP, 5MP, 6MP and 8MP. Cost may vary on the typical analog CCTV's from the digital or IP Cameras, which IP cameras are much expensive that the analog CCTV's.
These are the things encountered by installing and deploying wireless networks. These are also the stuffs and happenings we encounter as a contractor, installer and implementer of this kind of technologies and services we have. Whenever you have inquiries, concerns, questions and consultation on our products and services, you can contact us on our official pages, websites and social network sites, also you can send directly email us.Reference Links:
Thanks for the post.
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